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lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014


the hard rhythm of footsteps and wheeze. To run, to run with the sun as shelter and the cold burning in the lungs like a bonfire. The prey is unaware of exhaustion and won’t stop. Pupils widen, reaching the goal means destroying the hunger. I chase relentless urged by the sole promise, the only direction, of flesh and rest. I run harder. I’m so close, I can almost taste. 

A forrest crossed by a creck just about three meters wide and frozen. It is a black and white picture with almost no grey areas. The water crossing the picture is black as well as the trees and the snow is white, like the cracks in the ice.
black ice by david guijosa

Suddenly, a question crosses my mind -a totally inappropriate pause-, but I’m able to hold it back and it’s never stated; anyhow this is enough to distract me for a few seconds and lose sight of the prey. I clench my teeth, these are valuable seconds. I stand still. I shake my head. I close my eyes. I’m able to stop thinking.
When I leave home this is what I do: lurk with frozen breath in the snow, exchanging one life for another. I find the trail

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